quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010

As Meninas Ós

Uma era gorda que nem uma baleia. A outra, magra que nem um palito. Inseparáveis. Os meninos da rua chamavam a uma, Orca , e a outra, Olívia. Logo, viraram as Ós. Os meninos diziam que, juntando as Ós, podiam fazer quatro mulheres normais. As Ós, não estavam para aí viradas. Orca e Olívia descobriram a dor e a delícia. Casaram. De tanto amor, Olívia engravidou da esposa. Deu à luz gémeas: uma bem gordinha, outra bem magrinha. Duas meninas Ós. Mães e filhas são, nas palavras do médico, saudáveis. E absolutamente normais.
Cíntia Moscovich, in Contos de Bolsa, org. Laís Chaffe, Casa Verde, Porto Alegre, 2006, p. 36.

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

'No Mundo existem muitos Deuses (. . .) muitas crenças, logo é uma criação do Homem'.

Antena 3, Prova Oral - Dezembro 2009

terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

Consorting With Angels

a dedication from Green Elf's most admirable. . .

I was tired of being a woman,
tired of the spoons and the post,
tired of my mouth and my breasts,
tired of the cosmetics and the silks.
There were still men who sat at my table,
circled around the bowl I offered up.
The bowl was filled with purple grapes
and the flies hovered in for the scent
and even my father came with his white bone.
But I was tired of the gender things. Last night I had a dream
and I said to it...
"You are the answer.
You will outlive my husband and my father."
In that dream there was a city made of chains
where Joan was put to death in man's clothes
and the nature of the angels went unexplained,
no two made in the same species,
one with a nose,
one with an ear in its hand,
one chewing a star and recording its orbit,
each one like a poem obeying itself,
performing God's functions,
a people apart."You are the answer,"
I said, and entered,
lying down on the gates of the city.
Then the chains were fastened around me
and I lost my common gender and my final aspect.
Adam was on the left of me
and Eve was on the right of me,
both thoroughly inconsistent with the world of reason.
We wove our arms together
and rode under the sun.
I was not a woman anymore,
not one thing or the other.
O daughters of Jerusalem,
the king has brought me into his chamber.
I am black and I am beautiful.
I've been opened and undressed.
I have no arms or legs.
I'm all one skin like a fish.
I'm no more a woman
than Christ was a man.

Anne Sexton